Sunday, July 15, 2012

This tftp server won't listen to broadcasts!

I was attempting to downgrade/upgrade code on an access point to change it from CAPWAP to Autonomous, or back again and ran into a headache on the Mac.

Seems like everything I need to do with this Mac is complicated. I've been using TFTPD32 by Jounin for seemingly forever, and I've never had an issue with it not working. The problem is, it doesn't work on a Mac.

I know, I know - you're saying just dive into the Unix command line and check the permissions on my tftpd.plist file, right?

Well, I did that and it still didn't work. I'm using a known good IOS file - one I just used to perform the same task on a Windows 7 machine and it worked as it should. When I try to use the same file on the Mac with the TftpServer app by Fabrizio La Rosa / found via @Etherealmind, the access point tells me the file ended unexpectedly & that it isn't a valid IOS image.

Looks like @santinorizzo hit it on the head again with this:

@Sevanjaniyan was helpful in assisting me with creating the /private/tftpboot folder:
It seems that if I'm going to be able to convert access points back and forth between autonomous and lightweight code, I need parallels, bootcamp or a native Win7 client.


  1. Yup.. I found the same recently too. Had to spin up a Windows 7 VM in VMware Fusion to complete the downgrade.

  2. i have same issue, cant't to upgrade Cisco Aironet 1142. Is there any way to set tftp server to listen broadcasts?

    1. Not on a Mac. You'd have to spin up a Windows VM or just use a Windows machine.
